Y is for Yak Down

the yak down information page

New Frontiers for Yak Down

The international market for yak down and yak down products is growing. As difficulties in harvest and transportation are resolved, a growing number of consumers in higher income nations are becoming converts to this exotic fiber that until only recently was completely unavailable outside its native regions. As demand grows, this fiber that was once largely wasted is being recognized as a valuable resource, the development of which has the potential to vastly improve the standard of living in many herding communities.

Ethical Trade of Yak Down

Nomad family at their winter home. Let’s make sure they get their fair share of the profits coming from the sale of their fiber!

The international trade in yak down directly affects the lives of every nomad family involved in harvesting fiber. It is critical that the highest standards of ethical trade are enacted to protect and empower families who are the source of this world-class fiber, in order that those who produce fiber coveted for its luxurious natural properties are not themselves forced to endure poor living standards or to accept unfairly low compensation for their labor.

A number of businesses trading in yak down are already setting a high standard for ethical trade and social and environmental commitment. Some of these companies are directly involved in community development initiatives funded through company profits and direct partnership for community empowerment. Reywa Fibers, Khunu, Shokay and Rocking Yak are among those companies aiming for high levels of authentic engagement.

For those interested in purchasing yak down goods for themselves, we strongly encourage consideration of the social commitments and history of companies trading in yak fiber before deciding where to do business.

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